Boiling Point approached me to donate a poster design which the proceeds will be given to the many BIPOC artists who have showcased their work in the series of art exhibits around the city.
This posters represents the change in society where BIPOC are given chances to amplify their voices throughout the creative industry or any industry for that matter.
Description of the project:
(Boiling Point) is a collective of (BIPOC) artists and thinkers based in (Tiohtià:ke){Montreal,Qc}
As the element of water mutates matter, what was once stagnant escapes into its surroundings. Our social climate has reached a state where internal structures call for drastic transformation.
Boiling Point aims to reshape the relationship between artist and space by addressing the artistic needs present within BIPOC and LGBTQ multiplicity.
In organizing an art-walk, we intend to forge a new artistic perception as a means of healing to empower a revolution in behaviour.

Design and Art Direction: Albert Nguyen
Organization: Boiling Point
Organization: Boiling Point
Visit www.boilingpoint.space for more information and how to purchase.